Traditional Chinese Medicine does not actually recognize a state of “infertility.” Like most other situations that arise in the human body, a woman’s ability to conceive depends on proper balance of Qi energy. Chinese Medicine, including both Acupuncture and Herbs, seeks to restore proper balance, hence allowing conception and healthy birth.
Reproductive health is one of my main focus areas. I have two young children myself, and it’s been a great privilege for me to help many women attain the balance they need to become pregnant. Whenever a woman comes to me seeking help with a fertility issue, I welcome the challenge, and because each patient is different, it’s an opportunity for me to explore new ways of bringing balance and harmony to the world, and maybe even a new life!
As with everything I do, my treatment for infertility varies depending on each patient’s specific needs. During a patient’s first visit, I will assess what I believe to be the cause of the imbalance, then create a treatment plan geared toward restoring balance. My treatment will most likely include a combination ofherbal therapy and Acupuncture, as well as dietary and other lifestyle advice.
Once the treatment is begun, patients begin experiencing less of the stress that may be causing infertility, including ovulation interference, menses regulation and other factors. Once the body and mind are ready and healthy for conception, my work is done, and it’s up to the happy (and expecting) couple!