For many people, the holidays are all about spending quality time with their families. It’s not surprising then that it’s also a time when many couples think about starting families of their own, and that can lead to thinking about ways to increase fertility. In our modern, high-stress world, there are many factors that can make it harder for couples to conceive. That’s why when a patient comes to me asking if Acupuncture can help with infertility problems, the first thing I do is find out as much as I can about the lifestyle habits, including the diet, exercise, sleep routines of both the potential mommy and daddy! Then we can begin together a regime based on common sense, Chinese herbs and Acupuncture to increase the chances of conception.
My experiences treating infertility using acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been very positive. Quite often, for instance, women who have been using birth control pills for long periods of time find that they are having difficulties conceiving. By balancing the Qi energy flow and improving the efficiency of the endocrine system, (including kidney and spleen function) in particular, a woman’s natural rhythms can be restored naturally and safely – making room for baby!
Read more about Acupuncture and infertility here:
and here…
Happy holidays!